
03 Troubleshooting
Cannot use default install user and group on UNIX

Prior to R5, you could install on UNIX using the default user "notes" and default group "notes" regardless of other factors. In R5, this procedure has changed somewhat.

If you install with the default user "notes" and group "notes" (notes.notes), you will be unable to run the server if the login user account (notes.notes) does not exist and you are not running as user notes.notes. You should always install the server with the user and group of the login user account which will be used to run the server. (For partitioned servers, each Data directory should be installed with the login ID and group that will be used to run that partitioned server).

For example, as root user, installing Domino with two partitioned servers run under the existing login ID's of server1.notes and server2.notes (respectively), you must:

So, if you have an account designated notes.notes, it is OK to install with default notes.notes and run as notes.notes, but you cannot run a notes.notes initiated server with a user such as joe.user.